Friday, February 19, 2016

Dasein's Birthday

Today is Dasein's 10th anniversary on this planet! Thank you for coming to earth Dasein, my most beloved alien invader!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Righteous Cats Brigade, Today (03.26.13)

Captain Wu-Wei on Patrol

Tempo, scheming some scheme

Kamu looks grumpy

 Asha, the Beauty Queen look

Shingen, giving his EVIL LOOK

Monday, March 25, 2013

March Lion (03.24.13)

Spring seems late in coming this year to the New York area. The March lion is still going strong, and there's no sign yet of  turning into a lamb.

It rains and it even snows, but the dogs were happy to catch some sunny weather this weekend. It was quite nice in the sun, although still chilly in the shades.

Dasein's eyes have the power to make you throw the ball, even against your will. 

Shanti, the Grass Sommelier
Dasein always gets the ball.
Dasein, always, always gets the ball.

Unlike the rest, Dr. Pooh is a thoughful gent.

This one has his own agenda. 

She who must be obeyed.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Happy Birthday DASEIN!

Today, Feb. 19th, is Dasein's 7th birthday. (It is a well-known secret that Dasein is actually an invader from outer space, so her true age -- her space age -- is vast beyond reckoning, at least couple million light years.)

Dasein, mostly, disapproves

Dasein puts Shanti in her place. 

Dasein's opinion about the art of photography.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Zen Mondo Shanti

I'm reposting a photo cartoon I originally posted on Tumbler. (Buhi-Nyan Anarchy on Tumbler is a picture collection of flat-faced dogs, and some cats. Most of the pictures are not original but stuff I found on the web.)

I made this cartoon several years ago. The pictures were taken at my old apartment in Brooklyn.

So Much for Shanti's Philosophizing. Empty Stomach=Empty Mind. And their stomachs are always empty, or so they tell me. 

Friday, January 25, 2013

Kamu Goes to the Vet (Don't Worry! Nothing Serious!)

It's been super, super cold in New York this week. The temperature at night reached 15 degree F, which is about -9 degree C, but I had to take Kamu to the vet Tuesday night (Jan 22).  Tuesday morning I noticed that her right eye was half-closed. It seems that someone hit her. (Probably Shingen or Asha, since they are always mean to her.) I had to go to work but made an appointment with the vet for that evening. When I came home her eye looked much better, but I took her anyway. (But Boy, IT WAS COLD!!!)

The vet gave her a check up, and stained the eye to make sure that her cornea wasn't scratch. Thank goodness, her injury was just a scratch above the eye. The eye was a bit irritated, but fine. Nevertheless I was told to put in eye ointment for 3-5 days. Putting in eye ointment in a cat's eye is NOT EASY, but at least it's Kamu, and she is very gentle, unlike some of my other kids! (Like Shingen, I'm talking about you!)

LET ME OUT!!!!! Kamu is not Happy.