Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Righteous Cats Brigade, Today (03.26.13)

Captain Wu-Wei on Patrol

Tempo, scheming some scheme

Kamu looks grumpy

 Asha, the Beauty Queen look

Shingen, giving his EVIL LOOK

Monday, March 25, 2013

March Lion (03.24.13)

Spring seems late in coming this year to the New York area. The March lion is still going strong, and there's no sign yet of  turning into a lamb.

It rains and it even snows, but the dogs were happy to catch some sunny weather this weekend. It was quite nice in the sun, although still chilly in the shades.

Dasein's eyes have the power to make you throw the ball, even against your will. 

Shanti, the Grass Sommelier
Dasein always gets the ball.
Dasein, always, always gets the ball.

Unlike the rest, Dr. Pooh is a thoughful gent.

This one has his own agenda. 

She who must be obeyed.