Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The problem with the 365 project is that you can only post 1 picture per day. (You can post more picture, if you become a paying member, but for fee, the rule is 1 a day.) But because I've been trying to take some picture everyday for this project, I naturally take more than one. That means I have to choose. Sometime it's easy because all the pictures are lousy, and I have to chose the one that's the least out of focus. Other times, however, I have a harder time choosing.

Long story short, I'm decided to post some of the pictures here. These were taken on 2/28-2/29, 2012.

Dasein & Shanti.
Dasein is always dominant over Shanti, but in the situation like above, where they are playing tug-of-war, it's Dasein who usually gives up first. It's not like Dasein has any qualm taking Shanti's stuff or beating her up, so it's kind of weird. Maybe she finds it beneath herself to compete with an underling.

All 5 members of the Righteous Cats Brigade
There's 5 of them,  though it's hard to see Asha in the shadow; she's behind Tempo.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Shutterfly Photo Book 1

This is the first photo book I made with Shutterfly. The customization options of the site is much richer now, then when I made this first book, plus I didn't know what I was doing,  so compared to the 2nd book, this one is simpler, without deviating from the template provided by the site.

Not that the 2nd book is that much better, but I was able to play around more with different options. Doing that is kind of fun, but it's also time consuming, so I don't know which is better.

Start your own Shutterfly Photo Book today.

Shutterfly Photo Book 2

This is the second Photo Book I made on Shutterfly. Most of the pictures in it was taken in Jan-Feb 2012, but it also includes some older pictures.

Photo books are the perfect gift for any occasion.