Sunday, January 20, 2013

Captain Wu-Wei

Oh, you're such a hero, Captain Wu-Wei!  (NOT!!!! -- Unfortunately our dashing Captain is a bit of a chicken. He's shy, and hides whenever we have a visitor.)  Kamu is not very convincing as a maiden in distress, but she gets pick on sometime by Shingen & Asha, so needs some protection. Tempo is her champion. 

But Wu-Wei still is "Our Bestest Leader" of the Righteous Cats Brigade! Yeah!


  1. Gorgeous, haha! I love your speech balloons :D

    1. Thank you for visiting, Lastrami! The story about the German law firm looking for people's legal mistake is crazy! Pretty amazing what people will do.

      I do hope you join Facebook. Let me know when you have an account. It's pretty easy.

  2. Yep! It was easy. I've tried to make the settings as much private as possible... let's see if it works :)

    Wow! The online dictionary includes "Freundschaftsanfrage versendet" (=friend request sent).

    1. Hi! I saw your friend request. So good to keep in touch with you. I expect to see lots of pictures of Nefi & Pollux! Yeah!
